Monday, October 24, 2011

Will 'Chrislam' replace Christianity? PLUS: BBC Tries to Normalize Pedophiles

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96-year-old baptized at Cowboy Church
96-year-old baptized at Cowboy Church

It's never too late for salvation, reports Debbie Denmon for Dallas-Fort Worths KFAA-TV and Bert Devers is living proof.

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Just for Today
Lord, for tomorrow and its needs,
I do not pray;
Keep me, my God, from stain of sin


BBC attempts to mainstream pedophiles
BBC attempts to mainstream pedophiles

They've introduced a character who is a portrayed as a misunderstood, convicted child-molester

Editor equates faith with belief in space aliens
Editor equates faith with belief in space aliens

New York Times executive editor Bill Keller feels free to belittle Christianity.

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Taming the Past
Taming the Past

Sometimes it feels like we can't get away from our pasts. They seems to cling to us like soap scum on a bathtub.

Best Advice on Ending a Bad Relationship
Best Advice on Ending a Bad Relationship

Few of us have escaped the inevitable life experience known as the bad relationship. Some are abusive relationships, damaging and woefully difficult to navigate or change. We asked readers their...

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My Jesus Versus Your Jesus
My Jesus Versus Your Jesus

Sometimes there is the perception that those of the cloth should be absolutely faultless.

Is Your Heart at Risk?
Is Your Heart at Risk?

Cynicism has been studied as a potential cause of heart disease. Take this quiz to gauge whether your level of cynicism puts you at risk. Excerpted from "Anger Kills" by Redford Williams, M.D....

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What were they thinking?
What were they thinking?

How we expect the next generation to grow up with confidence if we tear them apart so openly? Parents are supposed to love and nurture all their children.

Melt down
Melt down

My husband, Frank, was Disney's greatest fan. Therefore, we took our children often to the original Disney park.

You're So Pretty?
You're So Pretty?

When I say to my little girlsage nine and seven "You're so pretty!" ... am I setting them up for heartache?

Will Christianity and Islam merge into Chrislam?
Will Christianity and Islam merge into Chrislam?

Are Muslims and Christians about to combine into a worldwide mega-religion?

Continued >>
Beyond Gorgeous
Beyond Gorgeous Have a Good Day -- Here's How!

For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue rom evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. I Peter 3:10 I hate my life. No, not me. Im quoting. I heard someone...

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Small Town America
Small Town America Eat Your Veggies

I would much rather eat a piece of homemade carrot cake than eat a raw carrot. I would be more likely to choose chocolate as a treat, over a radish. Most of us would rather have ice cream instead of...

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My Happy Place
My Happy Place "Holy Ghost Girl"

Because I'm a blogger for I was one of the lucky ones who received a copy of Donna Johnson's memoir, Holy Ghost Girl, months before it was released. It will be available in bookstores tomorrow:...

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A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith
A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith The problems with miracles

The mentally challenged community is hungry to hear the Gospel. If we can get people to our chapel services, they will almost always accept the wonderful grace of Christ into their lives. Yet, discipleship...

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