Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why do kids cuss? AND:Ten Remarkable Lemon Benefits

Logo Beliefnet Prayer of the Day
Churches adding pet ministries
Churches adding pet ministries

In a society obsessed with dogs, cats, rodents, fish and reptiles, it only follows that churches should open their doors to Fido.

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Night Prayer of a Wife and Mother
Lord, bless the man with whom I sleep
And in Your constant care him keep.
Bless our children as they grow...


If teens have role models who cuss, they will, too
If teens have role models who cuss, they will, too

If you want your child to have a foul mouth, let him watch TV shows with profanity, say researchers in the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

12 Secrets to praying more effectively

Why don't we pray more? "My guess," writes bestselling author Ron Kincaid, "is that we aren't quite sure how to pray." But he's got some effective solutions that work.

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VIDEO: Running in memory of heroes

On May 14, 2011, police officers from all over the nation came to Washington D.C. to honor those fallen in the line of duty. Some ran a 5K race that ended at the National Law Enforcement Memorial....

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VIDEO: A true American Hero

Officer Jeff Degrow of South Carolina suffered six gunshot wounds while pursuing a burglary suspect. He praises God that a month after being shot hes on his feet and preparing to return to work.

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Kids can't bring sack lunches anymore?

A public school in Chicago has banned all lunches brought from home. These kids have to eat cafeteria food! They have no choice. The school thinks the children will be healthier. What would you do if...

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Jesus didn't like religious people, either

Don't get mad at God just because you can't stand His children. Jesus Himself had a difficult time with holier-than-thou leaders.

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What if you didn't have to count calories?

Can you lose weight without counting? How much do calories matter? Here are some honest answers and some very good news.

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Is your cellphone killing you?

The World Health Organization said cellphones appear to be more dangerous than thought. And the U.S. Supreme Court looked at accusations phone companies have hidden the truth from us.

Ten Remarkable Lemon Benefits

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