Friday, April 13, 2012

Special Edition - Help Support the Fight Against Hunger

Best of Beliefnet Special Edition
Right Now 1 in 6 adults and 1 in 5 Children in America are Hungry
That's why Beliefnet has chosen Hunger in America as our Cause of the Month and will donate 10% of all Giving Visa® Platinum Rewards card proceeds to Feeding America

It could be your next door neighbor, a colleague, or your child's school friend. They may not appear malnourished but they are—and there are 48.8 million Americans right now who don't have access to nutritious food.

Who are the Hungry in America?  Watch the video now
How?  Simpley sign up for the giving card.
Visa® Giving Card When you do and use your Giving Card, 10% of your monthly purchase proceeds for the months of April and May will automatically be donated to Feeding America to help end hunger in our country.
So sign up today!


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