Saturday, February 18, 2012

Finding Strength in Scripture

Logo Beliefnet Prayer of the Day
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Kwanzaa for Life Prayer
O come all you faithful, rejoicing and victorious! Come, let us adore the Lord of life and goodness, as we celebrate Kwanzaa and the African American heritage.


Whitney Houston Talked about Longing to See Jesus
Whitney Houston Talked about Longing to See Jesus

Friends say that the late singer told them she sensed the end was near ... and the night before her death took the microphone at a nightclub to sing a poignant "Jesus Loves Me."

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A Higher Purpose
A Higher Purpose

"We can get cocky and say I did that. I did that. Then on the bad days who are you going to lean on? For me, I wanted to do everything for His glory. -Trevor Bayne

How to Achieve Spiritual Fitness
How to Achieve Spiritual Fitness

When the year turns over, we reach a birthday, or mark a moment of life transition, most people take it as a cue to reflect on what they could do better or differently. For many of us, thoughts...

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10 Ways to Find Hope During Tough Times
10 Ways to Find Hope During Tough Times

These words of hope can inspire you through pain and illness.

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8 Bible Quotes for the Depressed
8 Bible Quotes for the Depressed

Here are eight Bible scriptures to help pull you through today.

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Finding Strength in Scripture
Finding Strength in Scripture

If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or if life seems out of control--here are seven great Bible scriptures that will help you refocus and rebuild your strength. Let the word of God soothe...

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10 Steps to Achieving Your Dreams
10 Steps to Achieving Your Dreams

John Maxwell provides 10 steps to achieve a dream in his book Put Your Dream to the Test.

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Beyond Gorgeous
Beyond Gorgeous Prevent Belly Fat -- By Forgiveness

Ive heard it said that when you allow yourself to become bitter against someone, its like you are letting them live rent-free in your head. He may be miles away, but you can still hear his voice, and...

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A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith
A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith Coming Home

[caption id="attachment_2529" align="alignleft" width="126" caption="Frank S. Howard"] One year ago today, my husband came home from the skilled nursing center to die. While I often say that...

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Daily Christian Wisdom

See in the meantime that your faith bringeth forth obedience, and God in due time will cause it to bring forth peace.

- John Owen

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