Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Angel Sightings

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Prayers for the Depressed

Therese J. Borchard writes the Beyond Blue blog on Beliefnet and shares seven prayers to encourage you when you are lonely,...

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Foods that Boost Your Mood

People who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet are 30 per cent less likely to be depressed, a study finds. People who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet are 30 per cent less likely to be...

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Angels in the Background | Prime Time Improvement With Tim Allen
Your Angel Sightings

Check out real angel pictures of angel clouds and angel wings in the sky, a white angel feather, and an angel on a banana...

15 Ways to Stop Obsessing

Tips for how to reel in your ruminations and keep your peace in the present moment.

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Bouncing Back from Adversity
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The more I practice, the luckier I get.

- Jerry Barber

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Inspiration Report
Inspiration Report Video: Twin Babies Bounce to Johnny Cash

This is adorable... pure and simple. If you needed a smile today, this is it.

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Nice Bible.

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