Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Living the Serenity Prayer! PLUS: Mexico mulls 2-year marriage certificates

Logo Beliefnet Prayer of the Day
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Living the Serenity Prayer
Living the Serenity Prayer

Learn how to stop worrying about life's uncertainties and start focusing on the positive using these practical tips inspired by the Serenity Prayer.

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Joy in Giving
Lord, I thank You for Your blessings. Whether in plenty or with little, I want to be a cheerful giver...


Celebrate the Power of Friendship
Celebrate the Power of Friendship

The Beliefnet Community has reached over 225,000 members! Celebrate with us and take a look at the beauty and power of friendship.

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What Kind of Christian Are You?
What Kind of Christian Are You?

What kind of Christian are you? Does your faith resemble Joel Osteen? Billy Graham? Bishop Spong? Take this quiz and find out.

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Christian Quotes About God and Love
Christian Quotes About God and Love

This gallery of inspirational Christian quotes includes quotes about God's love for us and how we can love others.

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Mexico City mulls two-year marriage licenses
Mexico City mulls two-year marriage licenses

The City Assembly is considering issuing two-year renewable marriage licenses, allowing couples to renew -- or not!

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Your Financial Prayers
Your Financial Prayers

Members of the Beliefnet community share their prayer requests for financial breakthroughs during this time of economic downturn.

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10 Landmines to Avoid in the Walk with Christ
10 Landmines to Avoid in the Walk with Christ

Anyone who walks with Jesus has to be careful not to stumble. But what if we cannot see the problem that is making us trip? Check out these tips for avoiding the landmines of Christianity.

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Favorite Prayers by Catholic Saints
Favorite Prayers by Catholic Saints

These favorite prayers of Catholic saints feature the writings of St. Francis, St. Patrick, St. Teresa of Avila and more.

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A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith
A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith Gleaning from leaders

On Friday, about 15 ministry leaders from around the US and Canada took the time to meet with each other for a few hours. It is jokingly called the Chicago Fly-In because we fly into the Chicago airport....

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Small Town America
Small Town America New Growth

New growth isn't always pretty. Look at this bush. All those fresh little leaves do not make the bush attractive. In fact it makes it look a little unruly. However, without the new growth each year,...

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Beyond Gorgeous
Beyond Gorgeous Praying Crumpled Prayers

A crumpled check is still good money, if the signature is on it. So is a crumpled prayer, if Jesus name is really on it. -J. Piper Is it okay to pray for help on your weight loss journey? God cares...

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My Happy Place
My Happy Place "Holy Ghost Girl"

Because I'm a blogger for beliefenet.com I was one of the lucky ones who received a copy of Donna Johnson's memoir, Holy Ghost Girl, months before it was released. It will be available in bookstores tomorrow:...

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