Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is "Occupy Wall Street" good or bad? PLUS: Are there any clean comedians?

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Why did three women win the Nobel Peace Prize?
Why did three women win the Nobel Peace Prize?

Who makes up this trio, these remarkable peace warriors who were relatively unknown until last week?

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Prayer for Firefighters and Emergency Responders
Father, I'm praying for firefighters and others who hold dangerous jobs where lives often hang in the balance


Today's Bible Reading
Micah 6:1-8
God Challenges Israel
Hear what the LORD says: Rise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice. Hear, you mountains, the controversy of the LORD, and you enduring...


11 Ways to Help a Loved One in Denial
11 Ways to Help a Loved One in Denial

What if your friend, mother, sibling, or father-in-law is severely depressed but refuses to recognize it?

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5 Ways to Welcome Laughter Into Your Home
5 Ways to Welcome Laughter Into Your Home

Its easy for our household to become grim. The simple tasksusing the potty, getting dressed, putting on jackets, getting in the carsometimes take all my patience and ingenuity, and leave me with...

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Clean Comedians
Clean Comedians

The comedians in this list have managed the impressive feat of being both hilarious and clean. From Jerry Seinfeld to Bill Cosby, these are the comedians you could take your grandma to see.

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Can any good come from "Occupy Wall Street?"
Can any good come from "Occupy Wall Street?"

From within the ranks of the protesters, there is a call for a new Christian "confessing movement"

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Small Town America
Small Town America From Death To Life

We had the most beautiful red maple tree when we lived out on the farm. It was just gorgeous in the fall. I noticed a few months ago that they had cut it down. Apparently it's branches were too close...

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Beyond Gorgeous
Beyond Gorgeous Lesson from a Donkey

Sometimes you feel like youre being buried -- as if the whole world is trying to do you in. Everything goes wrong, and you want nothing more than to reach for the cookies. I had that kind of day yesterday...

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Preachers Kid: Honest Faith, Real World
Preachers Kid: Honest Faith, Real World Mitt Romney 'isn't-a-Christian'? Betcha Jesus loves him, Rev. Jeffress

[caption id="attachment_675" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Jeffress: Romney 'good, moral' - but no Christian"] A Southern Baptistpastor is catching a lot of heat for daring...

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A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith
A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith You've changed

Several years ago, a friend told me that she had seen lots of changes in me over the years. Though she didn't really mean it to be a compliment, I took it that way. "You aren't nearly as serious as...

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Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.

- Mark 1:17

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