Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wal-Mart Taught Me

Prayers for the Depressed | The magnificent 100th Psalm | 12 Absolutely Amazing Miracles | Are you feeling disappointed? | What a trip to Wal-Mart taught me about convicts and God

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Prayer of the Day
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Prayer of the Day
Prayer for Baptism Day (Adult)

Living and Loving Father,

I praise and thank You with my heart for the liberation You have given me from the clutches of sin and Satan. By Your death on the Cross of Calvary, You have put... read more »
Prayers for the Depressed
Therese J. Borchard writes the Beyond Blue blog on Beliefnet and shares seven prayers to encourage you when you are lonely, depressed, anxious or have an urgent need for peace.

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The magnificent 100th Psalm
How could a shepherd boy with a gift for playing the harp write such ageless words? David filled the largest book in the Bible with divinely inspired words of comfort and challenge that still speak to...

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12 Absolutely Amazing Miracles
Does God still answer prayer? Oh, yes, say these authors, missionary kids and ordinary folks who answered Beliefnets recent request for stories of divine intervention. They say God touched them! What...

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Are you feeling disappointed?
You were really expecting good things to happen. Then the roof caved in on your hopes and dreams. There may be times in the midst of such a crisis when God appears to be distant. However, Scripture...

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What a trip to Wal-Mart taught me about convicts and God
When Alabama housewife Brenda Spahn asked that she be given a chance to change the lives of female ex-convicts, the state parole board laughed. When she insisted, they decided to teach her a lesson....

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