Sunday, January 26, 2014

Creationism vs. Evolutionism

Creationism Versus Evolutionism: When Will this Debate Ever End? | Leading Ladies of Faith | 10 Things to Be Thankful for, Even in Lonely Times | Soledad O Brien, Journalist and CEO of Starfish Media Group, on Juggling It All

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Prayer of the Day
Prayer for a Baptism

Almighty God, who by our baptism into the death and resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ dost turn us from the old life of sin: Grant that we, being reborn to new life in him, may live in... read more »
Creationism Versus Evolutionism: When Will this Debate Ever End?
The longest, most heated debate in the world is studied more closely from different angles.

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Dr. James Dobson wants to give you this FREE booklet with tips, stories and key advice that will help your marriage thrive! CLICK HERE!

Leading Ladies of Faith
Weve heard about the leading men of faith in Hollywood. Now here are the leading ladies!

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10 Things to Be Thankful for, Even in Lonely Times
The holidays can be wonderful times with family and friends, but there are or will be times in each of our lives, when the holidays mean a difficult time of alone.

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Soledad O Brien, Journalist and CEO of Starfish Media Group, on Juggling It All
Soledad OBrien former CNN anchor for Starting Point is now focusing on her production company Starfish Media Group.

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