Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Heavenly Quiz

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Graduation Blessing
Hear, O children, the instruction of a parent,
And give attention that you may gain understanding,
For I give you sound teaching...


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The 10 Commitments of Self-Love
The 10 Commitments of Self-Love

With Self-Love Month (January) approaching these are principles you should begin to develop in yourself that will help your build self-love and nourish it once you have it. Once you understand and...

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Fascinating Facts ... But Are They True?
Fascinating Facts ... But Are They True?

You've heard many of these all your life, some maybe for the first time. But are they accurate? Are you sure?

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Quiz: Heaven in Pop Culture
Quiz: Heaven in Pop Culture

Do you know what beer has to do with heaven? What is the afterlife according to Aslan from "The Chronicles of Narnia"? Take the quiz and discover eternal bliss (or the answers, at least)!

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Tame Regret
Tame Regret

If regret can sometimes seem like an animal on our backs, there are ways we can tame it. Here are five practical tips for dealing with regret when it threatens to get the best of us:

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Downsizing in the 21st Century

We Baby Boomers, born between the years 1946 and 1964, are shifting down. We arent slowing down, but we are seriously considering the task of downsizing.

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Daily Christian Wisdom

It is not repentance that saves me; repentance is the sign that I realize what God has done in Christ Jesus.

- Oswald Chambers

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