Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Baby Jesus On Christmas Stamps

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Baby Jesus On Christmas Stamps
Baby Jesus On Christmas Stamps

Look at the beautiful baby Jesus on these wonderful Christmas stamps!

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21 Beautiful Verses to Heal a Broken Heart
21 Beautiful Verses to Heal a Broken Heart

The Bible is full of wonderful assurance to those of us whose hearts are broken.

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Beautiful Baby in the Manger
Beautiful Baby in the Manger

Angels announced His birth, the tiny Baby who was the Savior of all Mankind. Come, let us adore Him -- through the eyes of artists throughout the ages. A King born in a stable, Immanuel, the Prince of...

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36 ways to make your life happier!
36 ways to make your life happier!

Theres a wonderful promise in Romans 8. It says with Gods help, nobody can defeat us! Here are some simple ways to make that work in your life.

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Baby Jesus in Even More Great Masterpieces
Baby Jesus in Even More Great Masterpieces

Enjoy even more timeless portrayals of Christs birth. Isn't it incredible how some of the greatest artists who ever lived took their greatest pride in portraying the Holy Child?

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Beyond Gorgeous
Beyond Gorgeous Getting Your Mind in Gear

I scowled as I listened to the Learn the Thai Language cd that I found on eBay. This is one tough language! You not only have to learn difficult words with tongue-twisting sounds -- but the pitch...

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You may call God love, you may call God goodness, but the best name for God is compassion.

- Meister Eckhart

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