Thursday, July 12, 2012

Quirky Reflections

Logo Beliefnet Prayer of the Day
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Morning Prayer
O Lord, grant that my heart may be truly cleansed and filled with Thy Holy Spirit, and that I may arise to serve Thee, and lie down to sleep in entire confidence in Thee...


Poland's Amazing Christian ... Salt Mine?
Poland's Amazing Christian ... Salt Mine?

From the outside, Wieliczka Salt Mine doesnt look extraordinary. It looks extremely well-kept for a place that hasnt mined any salt for over ten years, but 600 yards below ground it holds an...

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Quirky Reflections
Quirky Reflections

Jokes from Prayables: Quirky Reflections

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Funny Church Signs
Funny Church Signs

REAL church signs from all across America!

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What Does God Say About Marriage
What Does God Say About Marriage

What does the Bible tell us about the institution of matrimony? What do the Scriptures say?

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Beyond Gorgeous
Beyond Gorgeous Make Exercise Fit Your Life #3 -- Strong Arms and Clean Windows

Arms flabby but no time to go to the gym? Time to get out the window cleaner and start polishing the glass. Think about your posture -- shoulders back and down and stomach in. Remember to pretend...

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A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith
A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith A piece of peace

There are things which disturb my peace. Yesterday, I realized that circumstances were heading Special Gathering of Indian River into a potential obstaclecourse. Im not sure whether I was more upset...

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Daily Christian Wisdom

Remember your ultimate purpose, and when you set yourself to your days work or approaching any activity in the world, let HOLINESS TO THE LORD the written upon your hearts in all that you do.

- Richard Baxter

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